Jolby & Friends. Friends indeed.
Once in a while, you meet someone through a friend, and you think "man, that dude was super cool – I want to be friends with that guy." Then, you start talking about twerking, or drawing noodle-like arms, maybe talk about boogers for a while. This was essentially my experience the last couple months collaborating with Jolby & Friends. My good friend Steven Kasprzyk, who works with Jolby, and I currently work with on Megabolt, introduced me to the pair Josh + Colby = Jolby. They are based in Portland Oregon, where they have built a fortress of inspiring work, varying from design to illustration and everything in between. It's rare to meet a duo that can function as such an amazing team; Colby being the guy with the illustration half of the brain, and Josh being the designer half, but both can clearly direct and work in tandem on both sides of the spectrum. Through collaboration with these two, I have learned to try to do anything I can to make a piece better. Don't feel like you can't just try something, even if it feels weird, or out of your comfort zone. Take risks, discover ways to be inventive in the smallest of ways. Most of all, enjoy the work you do, which is something that sounds simple and a brainless Confucius quote, but it really is important. Enjoy what you are doing, and do work you are truly proud to do. If you have never heard of Jolby, check them out here: